How to store coffee beans

How to store coffee beans

Do you have a lot of coffee beans?. And do you know how to store coffee beans for the longest time possible?. Don't worry. You are not alone in this battle. We are here with you with a lot of real information.

Coffee is the number one beverage that is preferred by all over the world. This excludes the children and teenagers as they are still not able to handle the strong effects that are brought about by coffee. 

However, not everyone understands the basics of coffee and how it should be made and served.

Once you do, the topic of coffee should be a walk in the park for you. Every day should be a learning experience for everyone who made it to the 'wake up' list. 

 In our case, coffee beans are a bit more sensitive and require you to exhaust all credible sources for reference. Read on for more informative and well-researched details about how to store coffee beans.

What are coffee beans?

What are coffee beans?

Coffee beans are seeds derived from coffee plant and are used to produce coffee. Although coffee beans are seeds, they are usually referred to as beans because of their close resemblance to right beans.

Are coffee beans and cocoa beans the same thing?

Most people usually think that coffee beans and cocoa beans are the same things but that is not the case. Although they have similar properties, they are two different products.

The process in which they are made is different. The main distinguishing feature between the two is that coffee beans are used to make coffee whereas cocoa beans are used to make chocolate. 

 Cocoa beans and coffee beans are different types of seeds that results to two different product. For instance, coffee beans are small in size than cocoa beans and look like a raisin.

On the other hand, cocoa beans is larger in size and resembles a kidney. Coffee beans also have more caffeine than cocoa beans while cocoa beans is high in antioxidants such as flavonoids and procyanidins. Coffee beans are also low in calories while cocoa beans tend to have a lot of calories.

What is the difference between Pre-Ground and Whole Beans?

Ground coffee is very popular because it is easily accessible. Pre-ground coffee is made from whole coffee beans, grounded, packed then sold.

Many people prefer pre-ground coffee because of convenience. However, some coffee lovers prefer whole beans because of a better coffee experience. Whole coffee is usually sold when it is raw meaning that the responsibility of grounding is left to the buyer.

The main difference between whole bean coffee and pre ground coffee is freshness, scent and flavor. Whole beans are usually grounded just minutes before brewing. This makes the taste of the coffee more authentic and fresh when compared to pre-ground coffee.

The flavor and aroma are also different. Whole beans aroma and flavor is highly noticeable because it is freshly brewed. In addition to that, whole beans requires brewing knowledge. 

You need to know how to use grinders and how to grind the correct amount. On the other hand, pre-ground coffee does not require you to have any brewing knowledge because everything has already be done.

Why we need storage for coffee beans

If you are wondering if coffee beans can go bad, then the answer is YES. 

Coffee beans can and will eventually go bad once roasted. If you want your coffee beans to stay fresh for an extended period of time, then it is crucial to ensure that it is well stored. Proper storage will help coffee beans maintain its original taste, aroma and flavor for an extended period of time.

Enemies of coffee beans

Storage of a roasted coffee is crucial, that it if you want to preserve its freshness, taste and aroma. Coffee beans have 4 big enemies. They include

1.  Air

2. Direct sunlight

3. Extreme temperature difference

Extreme humidity/ pressures difference

The most volatile component of coffee is its aroma. It evaporates fast immediately after grinding because the surface area becomes bigger exposing the beans to air. 

 Extreme pressure and temperature difference speeds up the removal of coffee goodness. Storing coffee beans in the fridges should be avoided at all cost because they are moist.

One thing about coffee beans is that they are porous and once roasted, they absorb the smell around them. Storing them in fringes will compromise there flavor.

Step by step process on how to store coffee beans

1.Keep the beans cool and airtight

The greatest enemies of coffee beans is moisture, air and light. If you want to preserve your freshly related beans for as long as possible, then you need to avoid storing it in clear canisters that allows light. This will comprise the taste of your coffee. Instead, you need to keep your beans in a cool dark location. Avoid canisters that are near the oven because that are often too warm.

2.Store them in a new airtight container

The best you can do for your coffee beans would be to store them in an air-tight container.

Avoid opening the container unnecessarily as it will only lead to escape of the freshness. As a result, your coffee beans will end up being stale.

Storing coffee beans in its original packaging is not recommended. Instead, you need to invest in a quality canister that is well sealed.

3. Keep them dry

Although you will not have total control over moisture level in your kitchen cabinets, it is important to do all you can to store it in a dry environment. This means that you need to avoid moist areas. If you have to store it in a moist area, then store in a well-sealed container. Always move it out of the moist area before opening the packaging to prevent moisture from getting into the beans. You can use a moisture absorber to absorb excess moisture from the air and keep the stored bean dry.

4. Use freezer only for long term storage

Even the hardcore lovers of coffee beans can't tell whether it would be a good idea to refrigerate coffee beans. Well, some of them. The truth is that the storage of coffee beans in the fridge would not be a good idea.

Coffee beans should be kept fresh at all times. Your fridge is not able to accommodate the needs of coffee beans. 

 Instead, they will end up sucking all the fresh aromas from your refrigerator.

Freezing coffee beans is not recommended. However, if you have bought in bulk and you are unable to use all of them in a reasonable amount of time, then freezing can be a good option. If you decide to freeze, then you should do it only once by following the steps below.

First, you need to separate the coffee into small daily portions. This will allow you to take small quality that you need. Repeat freezing and thawing process make the beans to lose their taste. 

 It is therefore advised to do this procedure only once. You also need to double to triple the bean bag to prevent it from being damaged.

Where to store coffee beans

Coffee beans should be stored in a ceramic, glass or non-reactive metal container that is airtight. If stored in countertop, then you should use opaque, airtight containers. If stored on a clear glass canister, then it should be kept in a cool dark place.

What to Avoid in Coffee beans Storage?

Fridges. They are moist and when you store coffee beans, they will absorb moisture and smell of other foods around

Warm spots- you should avoid warm spots like storing the coffee been on a kitchen cabinet that is exposed to sunlight or one that is just next to cooking equipment.

Freezers- Although this is subject to debate freezing coffee beans is not recommend because it makes it lose it original taste.

Optimum storage temperature for coffee beans

For both domestic and industrial purposes, coffee beans have to be stored under room temperature for extra freshness. Anything higher or lower than this will be a recipe for doom.

You can determine this kind of temperature by placing them inside your kitchen cupboard as it never disappoints.

How to Store Green Coffee Beans

Green Coffee Beans

Green coffee beans are extremely porous and absorbs aromas and flavors easily. Proper storage is therefore very important. Recommend moisture levels for storing green coffee is 11-12.5%. 

 Experts recommends that green beans should be stored at room temperate which falls between 20-20 degrees Celsius. 

 The beans should be kept out of direct sunlight to avoid premature aging. You should also use appropriate pesticide to prevent the pest from attacking the beans.

How Long Can You Store Coffee Beans?

In case you have been wondering how to handle and store coffee beans, worry no more. It all gets easy when you get your facts right. Among the most popular questions, we like to ask ourselves is, 'how long can you store coffee beans?'

According to certified coffee experts, coffee beans can be stored in different ways. Each one of them determines how long they can stay fresh when stored. Take commercial coffee beans, for instance. They are said to last longer for about six months when packaged in bags.

On the other hand, coffee beans for use at home can last for about two weeks when stored in an air-tight container.

Keeping your coffee beans fresh

This has got to be one of the most challenging parts when it comes to handling coffee beans. Keeping them fresh is only a matter of introducing them to the right conditions for them to maintain freshness. 

 This brings us to the all-important question, 'what is the best way to keep coffee beans fresh?'

Storing them in an air-tight container will work its magic when placed in room temperature. The container in question must be opaque to avoid interference by excessive light. After all, we just can't resist the aroma of fresh coffee especially in the mornings.

Do coffee beans go bad?

Most of us are of the train of thought that coffee beans are not perishable and can never go bad. Research using genuine tools should be of help to you at this point. First, understand that going bad has a different meaning when it comes to coffee.

You can say that coffee has gone bad when it has lost its aroma of freshness. No one can stand the sight of coffee beans that can no longer retain their freshness. However, this can only happen when they are not dried properly before storage.

Raw coffee beans

For those who are planning to venture into the coffee business, basic knowledge such as this is required. Raw coffee beans are delicate and must be handled as such. Besides, they are the determining factor of the level of freshness that you should expect.

In case you are wondering to yourself, 'how long do raw coffee beans last?' read on. When stored in a cool, dry place, raw coffee beans are guaranteed to last for about six weeks. The cupboard in your kitchen suits these conditions perfectly.

As much as possible, try to avoid the fridge as it has nothing to offer raw coffee beans. Instead, it will end up ruining everything for you.

What happens to coffee beans over time

As should be expected, coffee beans do undergo changes as time goes by depending on their environment. For example, coffee beans contain caffeine which is a stable and natural content of coffee in any form.

This and other factors makes coffee a very popular beverage not only in the US, but in other parts of the world. Nothing happens to the levels of caffeine in coffee when it undergoes the various processes of change.

Stale coffee beans

Supposing the coffee beans don't retain freshness for long and are rendered stale, what next? While some of us are thinking along the lines of disposing them of, the rest of us have a use for them.

Believe it or not, stale coffee beans can be used as a beauty ingredient. 'How?' you may ask. Grinding them and mixing them with honey can provide you with a quality lip scrub. The best part is that you can do it yourself at home.

That's not all, you can also grind these beans and apply them directly on your face and body. Leave it on for some time to reveal a smooth complexion.

How to ensure the extra coffee does not go bad

As mentioned earlier, coffee beans are to be stored in an air-tight container for extra freshness. Failure to which will only render them stale and there will not be much use for them during consumption. Keep your containers sealed at all times to avoid staleness.

The roasting date

This factor matters a great deal especially because it determines the level of freshness of the coffee beans. The closer you are to it is the he more you can be assured of fresh coffee products.

Interesting features

There is more to coffee beans than what meets our eyes. For instance, coffee beans can't be used immediately after grinding. They have to be stored indefinitely to regain their level of freshness.

Store room of the coffee bean should be locked

As the store room or warehouse of the coffee bean is not near of your house, So, you should lock your store room with a storage lock, otherwise you may losses all the coffee beans by the attack of the thieves.

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